elcome to the website of Terra Vs Aqua. On this website you will find information about our company. “The battle against water” contains detailed information about our traditional hydraulic engineering projects. If you cannot find the information you’re searching for, please feel free to contact us. Terra Vs Aqua is a young and dynamic company that operates worldwide. In Holland we are known as Rotterdams Steenzetbedrijf BV, a company, specialized in building hydraulic engineering works. We built and maintain ports, natural stone facades, sluices, terps; river dikes and sea dikes which become more necessary every day because of the global climate change, rising sea level and tourist facilities which in their place are essential for the economic development. Thanks to our experience we are a skilled and reliable partner. In Terra vs Aqua traditional hydraulic infrastructure work is combined with the latest training methods and the most modern materials and therefore we deliver high quality end products. Quality and safety are paramount at TVA. Since 2004 the company is certified by the Dutch VGM according to the VCA checklist for contractors (safety, health and environmental care). Rev. 2008/5.1 Please feel free to take a look at our website If during your visit, you come up with any ideas or suggestions, we would like to hear them from you: you can also contact us by telephone.-
In de waterbouw blijft het noodzakelijk om op bepaalde projecten handmatig steenzetwerk in de gradatie 20/30 uit te voeren.
Om te voorkomen dat projecten stilgelegd moeten worden, heeft de Vereniging van Waterbouwers in de richtlijn de aanbeveling gedaan aan opdrachtgevers om vanaf medio 2013 alleen die bedrijven en/of steenzetters in te zetten die in het bezit zijn van een certificaat ‘Handmatig steenzetten’.
De steenzetters die het Rotterdams Steenzetbedrijf opleidt en inzet, beheersen de traditionele, ambachtelijke wijze van steenzetten en zijn in het bezit van het certificaat ‘Handmatig steenzetten’. Hierbij worden de stenen verplaatst en gezet met behulp van schuif- en roltechnieken, aangevuld met gebruik van het steenzetijzer. De belasting op het lichaam wordt hierdoor geminimaliseerd.